circuit analysis — how much margin does your design have?
We analyze circuits with the understanding that bench-top testing is unlikely to identify and prevent all circuit issues. We use the Design Failure Mode & Effects Analysis (DFMEA) mindset to introduce analysis and measurement activities for each circuit block. We mitigate risk of failure by establishing severity and occurrence ratings along with acceptable tolerance levels for each circuit block. Then we prioritize and perform the analysis and measurement tasks according to the plan laid out in the DFMEA.
At E3 Compliance we perform Worst Case Circuit Analysis (WCCA) with tools such as Mathcad and PSPICE to identify problem areas and recommend design solutions. Our method of analyzing circuits under worst case conditions provides our customers with WC design parameter variation and statistical yield/violation rates (PPM), providing true assessment if the design is ready for production. Give us a call today to schedule your analysis review.
About E3 Compliance
E3 Compliance is an independent engineering consulting company located in downtown Grand Rapids, Michigan. Here at E3, we specialize in EMC and High-speed design, analysis and perform pre-compliance and diagnostic testing in our ~6000 sq ft EMC lab. We help our customers upfront in the product development process so they can pass compliance testing with confidence and get to market on time. We support product launches at any phase of development in automotive, aerospace, consumer, medical, office, industrial and other applications. Contact us or download our company overview PDF to learn how we can help you save time and money.
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