EMC simulations uncover the underlying physics.
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Simulations
We use Dassualt Systemes’ CST Studio to perform EMC simulations at E3. EMC simulations show us where the risk areas are on new designs and help us understand and solve failures found in testing. We perform a wide variety of simulations:
•Shielding effectiveness (PCB, enclosure, vehicular)
•Coupling & crosstalk (PCB, cables, magnetics, vehicular)
•PCB trace routing and planes design
•Cable and connector design optimizations
•RF Radiated & conducted emissions
•RF Radiated & conducted immunity
•Electrostatic discharge (ESD)
•Filter design
•Power integrity
•Signal integrity
Simulation tools have advanced over the years allowing us to import your ECAD and MCAD files, assign EM properties and perform the analysis efficiently.
All modeling is a compromise between run time, model fidelity and accuracy of results. We use a trend modeling approach that is both time efficient and accurate enough to support good design practices. Having spent over two decades modeling and correlating EMC problems with different solvers and tools, we have established a proven process and correlations to bring confidence to every job and meet our customer’s needs.
We utilize in-house high-performance computing to accelerate our EMC simulations so they can make an impact within your design cycle. We use two in-house high performance computers as well as US based cloud computing options to leverage GPU clusters and distributed computing as needed. Beyond our computing power, we have experience modeling and simulating integrated circuits, packages, printed circuit boards (PCBs), cables, connectors, enclosures, systems, vehicles and environments. Here are a few examples of simulations performed:
The CST Studio tool set from Dassault Systemes offers a wide variety of modeling opportunities. The following illustrates different tools with examples of the types of simulations that can be performed. The Hybrid System Assembly Modeling (SAM) approach is of keen interest when modeling challenging problems:
EMC Simulation Success Stories
One of our customers in the medical field was developing a product that had been failing EMC for over 9 months. Despite having tried fixing internally over numerous board iterations and visiting test labs, they were unable to reduce a failing emission spike below the required limit.
They engaged us to utilize our advanced simulation tools and modeling process to help find the source of the failure. After our initial simulations we suspected it was a PCB resonance that was amplifying the core microcontroller clock frequency. We used CST simulation tools to analyze the power distribution network, providing evidence of the resonance. We offered design recommendations to modify the internal power planes design.
The customer implemented the design modifications and we re-simulated the new design files and confirmed the resonance had been eliminated. The new PCB design was fabricated, built and testing. The new test results showed the emissions spike had been reduced below the ambient noise floor and completely resolved the issue. This was an example of an EMC problem that was handled much more efficiently using simulation tools.
About E3 Compliance
E3 Compliance is an independent engineering consulting company located in downtown Grand Rapids, Michigan. Here at E3, we specialize in EMC and High-speed design, analysis and perform pre-compliance and diagnostic testing in our ~6000 sq ft EMC lab. We help our customers upfront in the product development process so they can pass compliance testing with confidence and get to market on time. We support product launches at any phase of development in automotive, aerospace, consumer, medical, office, industrial and other applications. Contact us or download our company overview PDF to learn how we can help you save time and money.
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Bulk Current Injection Simulation
High Performance CPUs
NVIDIA A100 GPU Accelerator Cards
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Simulation of Ground Split in PCB